Thursday, July 9, 2009

Tech Tiger News

On this blog you will find weekly podcasts of web2.0 tools that you can use in your classroom. Subscribe and listen. You will find additional information and tutorials on the web2.0 tools in the podcast on the mhscff moodle. So if you are intrigued and would like more to try one of these tools, help is available.

1956 Video Project

I am working on a video project to use next year with Nathan Albert's classes. I am learning so much about video production and the ease and limitations of Flip cameras. In between bad weather, I have been taking still shots and video shots for my production. I also realized that I could use a group for this project. I have to use voice over for the whole project as I can not be on both sides of the camera simultaneously. So I've woven together a story and will put it together this week.
The sun was shining on Tuesday and it was off to Szoborpark. I took some photos of communists statues. These photos will be used as transitions between sections of the video. During the 1956 uprising, many communist statues were destroyed. After 1989, instead of destroying the statues, they were moved from prominent places in the city to just outside of Budapest. A museum was created out of the statues. The photo is of my favorite statue in the park.